Monday, November 17, 2008


Luckily, I spent several of my last nights on the road with family. The final night before reaching Missouri I stayed with my cousin Julie and finally met my newest cousin, Austin. He's quite adorable, to say the least. Their dog Sadie kind of stands out against his small frame!

The Mooneyham family caught up as Julie chatted with Sam, her husband, who is currently deployed to Iraq. Thankfully the modern age allows the family to stay pretty close, even if they are half a world apart.

Austin was very well behaved!

And in addition to seeing family, I caught up with Sara and Landon, old friends from Mizzou. They're now both tackling advanced degrees. It was a wonderful way to round out the 7 weeks on the road.


jiggins said...

The pictures of the baby and the dog are great! So done traveling? What now?

Kit said...

back to work as a staff photojournalist in Cape Girardeau. real life calls...

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed it all, Kit! So, are you continuing to post "real life" events on this blog? Or should I delete it from our "Favorites"...or just leave it and ignore until your next big adventure! Glad that you're home safely!! Happy Thanksgiving to all the family.