The Canadian Rockies are amazing. I can honestly not articulate the amazing visuals of these ranges. Unfortunately, the photos will do nothing close to justice, either.

Marble Canyon, above, a great, short little jog to see a deep canyon made over the ages. Almost 15% of the park was devastated by a fire in 2003. Entire valleys and mountain sides are gone. However, that is apparently helpful in the long run for new growth and better forest health.

Coming into Banff Monday evening.

beautiful man! i wish these were my pics.. i could clean them up a bit maybe..hope to see more. I envy your position in life at the moment! see ya on the next page!
Great photos, Kit - Canadian Rockies as we remembered them, good to revisit - sorry you didn't have good weather for Glacier - it's an awesome park! Continue to enjoy - what a GREAT trip! We're on to Italy on Tuesday - so will be out of touch for awhile. Be safe!
bring back the videos! i want more videos!
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