Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WY?!? because I wanna

Northern Colorado into southern Wyoming is simply beautiful. I encountered my first rain. Thanks to Tim's righteous gear I didn't even know that it was raining, save the water on my face shield. Otherwise I spent about 6 hours crossing the high plains/plateaus of Wyoming.

Mea and Tim in Rocky Mountain National Park where we hiked early Friday.

I went up through central Wyoming to meet my high school friend Nick Britt for a relaxing day along the North Platte River. Nick and his friends were up to fly fish.

I came; I saw;I tried; I failed.

Fly fishing can be awesome to watch in person. There were easily over a dozen anglers near the Gray Reef Reservoir dam just above us on the river. It's an art to master the rhythm of fly fishing and I was happy to relax and enjoy the views from our campsite on the bank.

I tried for several hours but didn't want to spend the whole day frustrated! And Nicky can spice up just about anything...like trying to spin in my helmet!

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